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Bali Calendar of Event June 2011

01 June 2011
Temple Anniversary Celebration
Temple anniversary celebrations at:
* Pura Pasek Gelgel,Kukuh Village, district of Marga,Tabanan regency
* Pura Pusek Ketewel,Ketewel Village,district of Sukawati,Gianyar regency
* Pura Puseh and PUra Desa,Guwang Village,district of sukawati,Gianyar regency .

02 June 2011
Special Event at Tenganan Pegringsingan
Usaba Kelima / Sambah
Last day of Mati Ombo sanghyang when the deities return in procesion to Pura raja purana at 18 pm. while the ancient-swing is set up, cheered with selondina Orcestra.

04 June 2011
Special Event at Tenganan Pegringsingan
Usaba Kelima / Sambah
A group of maidens collect holy waterto public-bathing place, while the other pray at Pura Batu keben and Pura Telaga. tha Ancient swing is purificated, blessed and then tried while selonding orchestra cheers the atmosphere. this event followed by a special ceremony for boys who officially accepted as "calon teruna" (bachelor of the village).

06 June 2011
Special Event at Tenganan Pegringsingan
Usaba Kelima / Sambah
"Mula saat" special event, started with women's activities, all dressed up in their finest and specific traditional drees at 09.00 am. the main ceremony stars at 13.00 pm, accompanied by abwang dance performence at bale Agung at 24.00 pm, anded with selonding group playing orchestra arruond the village.

06 June 2011
Temple Annyversary Celebration and Full Moon Ceremonies
Temple anniversary celebrations and full moon ceremonies at:
* Pura Gelap,Besakih,(the mother temple complex) district of Rendang,Karangasem regency
* Pura Dang Khayangan,pengukur-ukur, Pejeng Village,district of Tampaksiring,Gianyar regency
* Pura Ponjok Batu,Palasari Villager, district of Tejekula Bulelelng regency.

07 June 2011
Special Event at Tenganan Pegringsingan
Usaba Kelima / Sambah
"Mulan Daha" special event for maidens only, with abwang dance performed in front of Petemu kaja (nort of metting hall), Petemu tengah (centre) and kelod (south) at 18.00 pm, while selonding orchestra played by bachelor narching around and village, at 20.00 pm.

09 June 2011
Special Event at Tenganan Pegringsingan
Usaba Kelima / Sambah

ngelawad, krama desa teruna of temu kelod and jero pasek pray and present ngelawad offering at the pura's: pura pouseh sembangan, pura Petung and batan cagi."Muran Desa" the special event held once in three years for the village as a whole consist of a series of rituals like purification and sacrifical ceremonies focused at Bale Agung, started from 16.00 pm till late at night with selonding orchestra cheering the atmosphere. Attended by all village-members in theirs finest tradisional dress.

10 June 2011
Special Event at Tenganan Pegringsingan
Usaba Kelima / Sambah

"Maling-Malingan" special event, (maling means thief), when two young men representing their rspective group steal some meet avaible at the Bali Agung. when they two finally captured by the villagers after being chased a couple of time, then dressed up with old banana-leaves-clotrhes, flowers, cow's bell as neklace, and then carried along the village roads (as two show that not forgiveness for criminals). This funny and cheerful event finally ended ap with abwang dance performed by by the madiens at petemu. "Mekare-kare" (duel between group of young men each armed with two-pleces of nthorny pandanous leaves and pleated ratan as the armour), held and the Bale aguna at 16.00 pm.

11 June 2011
Special Event at Tenganan Pegringsingan
Usaba Kelima / Sambah

"Mabwang kalla" (exorcizing evil spirits) special event started with abwang dance performance in front ofn Patemu (block of residence) followed with moving arround the patemu and ended up with chanting holy hymns together, at 20.00 pm

Symbolical: "Mekare-kare" (Duel bettwen group of young men each armed with leaves and pleated ratan as the armour), held at the Bale Agung at 16.00 pm.

"Muran teruna" (special event for bachelor) held once in three year time, consist of various activities done by bachelor of the village with main program: selecting and maiden to be their respective pertner in at tending the, series of ceremony . Tha event last all dat long.

11 June 2011
Tumpek Pengatag

Tumpek Pengatag: Devoted to Ida Sanghyang Widhi Wasa/Almighty God as "Sanghyang Sangkara",Lord of all food-plant and vegetation. Blessing Ceremonies are focused gardens,rice-field and plantations for good crops and product,throughout Bali.

11 June 2011
Temple Anniversary Celebration
Temple anniversary celebrations at:
* Pura Puseh and Pura Desa,Batuan Village,district of Sukawati,gianyar regency
* Pura Pasek Bandesa,Kekeran Village, district of Mengwi Badung regency.

13 June 2011
Special Event at Tenganan Pegringsingan
Usaba Kelima / Sambah

Symbolical "Mekare-kare" at Petemu Kelod at 16.00 pm followed by maidens and little girl in complete traditional dress swinging on the old spinning-chair (ancient swing) at 18.00 pm and ended up with praying Pura Banjar.

14 June 2011
Special Event at Tenganan Pegringsingan
Usaba Kelima / Sambah

"Mekare-kare in Petemu kaja", (duel angmost a group of men each arnedwith two pieces of thorny pandanous leaves and platted-rattan as the armour) as part of the rituals, around noon, while the maidens go praying to temples of the village at arround 16.00 pm.

15 June 2011
Special Event at Tenganan Pegringsingan
Usaba Kelima / Sambah

"Mekare-kare Patemu Tengah/Pengrame", preceded with procession arround the village playing music orchestra, rejang, and abwang dances. "mekare-kare" welcome anybody or stranger to participate in with strees put on the dancing characteristic, nobody to loose or win, at 11.00 am. Wound got during the duel can be easyly heald with traditional medicines. The eventwill befollowwed by serioes of ritual and chajnotinh hymns , scared performance oe Rejang and keris dance, at 16.00 pm. The entire event is ended up with abwang dance performance and rituel at Subak daha at 21.00 pm.

15 June 2011
Temple Anniversary Celebration
Temple anniversary celebrations at:
* Pura Pasek Gelgel,Gerih Village, district of Abiansemal,Badung regency
* Pura Pucak Sari,Tembuku Village, district of Tembuku,Bangli regency
* Pura Kepisah,Sumerta Village, Downtown of Denpasar.

17 June 2011
Special Event at Tenganan Pegringsingan
Usada Kelima / Sambah

Prayer held at Pura Banjar with rejang Dance performance and Selonding orchestra at 06.00 am. Pig roasting followed by abwang dance are held at Subak Daha, participated in by bachelor and maidens of the village, at 21.00 pm.

21 June 2011
Special Event at Tenganan Pegringsingan
Usaba Kelima / Sambah

Nyajah The clossing ceremony of usaba Sambah, attended by the villeger as a whole recording to their respective, social functions in the community of Tenganan Pegingsringan.

21 June 2011
Temple Anniversary Celebration
Temple anniversary celebrations at:
* Pura Ulun Danu Beratan,Candi Kuning Village,district of Baturiti, Tabanan regency
* Pura Batu Klotok,South Beach of town of Klungkung
* Pura Dalem Waturenggong,Taro Kaja village,district of Tegallalang,Gianyar regency
* Pura Manik Beringin,Dukuh village, district of Sidemen,Karangasem regency

22 June 2011
Temple Anniversary Celebration
Temple anniversary celebrations at:
* Pura Penataran Gana,Bebalang village,south of the town of Bangli
* Pura Dalem Gede,Banjar Pande, downtown of Bangli
* Pura Pucak Sari (Monkey Forest Temple),Sangeh Village,district of Abiansemal,Badung Regency
* Pura Dadya Agung Pasek Sanak Sapta Rsi,Sidan Village,District Of Blahbatuh,Gianyar regency.

30 June 2011
Temple Anniversary Celebration
Temple anniversary celebrations at:
* Pura Kawitan Tangkas Kori Agung, Tangkas Village,district of Dawan, Klungkung regency
* Pura SIANG kangin Tampuaan, Peninjoan village, district of Tembuku,Bangli regency.



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