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Denpasar City Tour, Traditional Market

Denpasar City Tour is a unique tour to visit Denpasar town with all its local society activities. Some other places of interest are also visited on this tour like Kumbasari Traditional Market, Jagatnata Temple and Bali Museum.

It is one of the short tours in Bali, which takes around 4 - 5 hours. The tour will bring you to the unique places like traditional market where you can see the local society perform their activities in the market.

Badung Traditional Market located in the main road, Gajah Mada Street, is the center of the town's economics. This area has become a shopping centre of Bali. This market cannot be discharged from the existing market across Badung's river, called Kumbasari Market because the local society will feel that their shopping experience would be incomplete without going there to the Kumbasari Market, especially for the Balinese who want to buy their ceremonial items.

Kumbasari Market sells costume and clothing items at prices relatively cheaper than clothing items sold at the shops in Gajah Mada Street which are mostly owned by citizens of Chinese clan. Kumbasari Market was previously called Peken Payuk (pot market); it sold such items as gerabah (jar like pot), cobek (clay plates), paso (clay buckets), caratan (clay water jug), jeding (clay barrel), penyantokan (mixer from clay), coblong (clay cup), kekeb (rice cover) and others. All of these items are used as kitchenware and for ceremony. Since this market was most popular as a place to sell payuk/pot, hence Kumbasari Market in the past was referred to as Peken Payuk or pot market.

Bali’s Governor, Prof. Dr Ida Bagus Mantra, officially opened the Denpasar Market on 24 April 1984. This market area is about 14,544 M² with an outdoor area of 9,064 M². The building has four storeys. The local people who shop at this market are not only from environment of Denpasar community but also come from outside of town. In the days leading up to the big holidays like Galungan, Kuningan and others, this market is always crowded with buyers who are mostly from the local society.

This market is open around the clock - from 5 o'clock in the morning to close at 5 o'clock in the evening. Then, the evening market opens from 05:00 pm until 05:00 am the next day when the morning market starts again. Meanwhile the Senggol Market in Kumbasari opens at 02:00 pm and closes at 11:30 pm.

The unique name of ‘Senggol’ Market is possibly taken from the situation and condition of people’s movement on shopping where they must jostle each other for position because of visitor denseness. This Senggol Market sells a variety of cheap foods from the Balinese, Javanese and Chinese cookery. It also sells various types of adults and children’s clothing.
The location of Denpasar Market is encircled by shops along the street of Gajah Mada. On the right side there is Sulawesi Street which is famous for textiles. Denpasar Traditional Market is progressively strengthening the identity of Denpasar's economic center which is open 24 hours and is never silent or empty of visitors.

At traditional market, you will find transactions taking place between buyers and merchants with multifarious merchandise to satisfy life’s daily needs such as kitchen supplies, appliances required for Hindu ritual, fruits and traditional clothes. In this market, you will see the local people, especially the women who carry extremely heavy items in a big basket balanced on their heads.

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